Order Indonesia Ex-Muslim (Murtadin) Bible Translation

We are not Profit Oriented

The Dwi Pranata Atmaja Foundation is a non-profit organization that specializes in translating the Bible into the contextual language of the Murtadin, namely the language commonly used by the Murtadin when they adhered to the former creed or faith.

To ensure the continuity of translation services and printing of KIA in the future, fundraising is carried out by providing FREE Translated Bibles to donors

Please click the button below to get KIA.

KIA will be distributed FREE of charge to Murtadin groups in Indonesia and in neighboring countries.

KIA is intended for Murtadins and is NOT distributed directly to Muslims, because the Dwi Pranata Atmaja Foundation does not carry out acts of CHRISTIANIZATION or MURTADINIZATION

The Dwi Pranata Atmaja Foundation is freed from all demands, lawsuits, legal and non-legal objections from any party due to losses caused by the distribution of KIA, Indonesia Murtadin Bible Translation which is not intended.